An end-of-the-year checklist to make sure you end strong, and start 2022 even stronger

The end of the year is a busy time for many conservation organizations. From finalizing programmatic and donor reports to running fundraising appeals and planning for the year ahead, this time can feel overwhelming and daunting. 

To help you think about the key things that need your attention - your actions, team, and funding - we’ve put together this checklist to help you finish the year strong and position you to start 2022 brilliantly!

The Strategic Stuff → 

Reflect and communicate

☑ Reflect on your achievements and begin to create an outline for your Annual or Impact Report. Here are the top tips for your best annual report yet. 

☑ Prepare and implement your end-of-year communications. Learn more on this here.
TIP: Collect your stories of impact, such as lives impacted, habitat protected, wildlife numbers etc.

TIP: You might not be ready to put together your entire annual report before the end of the year. Instead, share your top 5-10 achievements and highlights in a simple bulleted list to share with your donors and supporters.

Compliance matters

☑ Ensure that all admin is tied up - advances have been returned, back-up plans for emergency admin have been established, salary releases sorted, office closure clearly recorded and communicated to partners, leave plans have been shared and documented, and more.

☑ Ensure all legal compliance (taxes, permits) requirements for the financial year are done and advance applications required for the coming year are ready.

Get ready for 2022

☑ Complete your 2022 work plan. Here are some practical tips from our partners on work planning.

TIP: Put important events for 2022 into your calendar now, such as board meetings, team retreats, work plan reviews, etc.

☑ Complete your 2022 accompanying budget. Here is our advice for better annual budgeting.

The People Stuff → 

Gather together

☑ Come together as a team to take stock of the year, celebrate the wins, and reflect on the lessons. This is a great time to discuss next year’s plans and consider if any adaptations are needed based on your reflections.

☑ Make time to have a year-end event with your team - even a cup of tea. It’s important to make time for one another, give each other some appreciation, and celebrate the year that was!

Performance and roles

☑ Carry out performance reviews and provide feedback. Our advice on effective performance management can be found here.

☑ Review roles. Determine whether you have the right roles, and equally important, the right people in those roles to implement your work plan for the following year.

☑ Ensure that contracting is in place where necessary (for example, that job descriptions/Terms of Reference are planned out or revised as needed).

Connect with your board

☑ You probably will hold a final board meeting before the end of the year. Ensure you are adequately prepared, and give your board members time to review materials ahead of time if they need to make any important decisions. Just like you thank your team, don't forget to thank your board members for their essential role in your organization.

Take a break and switch off

☑ Plan your time off - and ask your team to do the same. December is a time when most offices close and your email inboxes don’t get clogged up. Take advantage of this quieter time to rest, spend time with your family, and do the non-work-related things that bring you joy - and encourage your team to do the same. 

TIP: Put your time off in your calendars as soon as possible and communicate this with your team.

TIP: Set up your out-of-office when you’re away. Remember when putting together your out-of-office notice that you can’t respond to everything the day you return. Consider writing,
“I will respond to you when I am able upon my return.”

The Money Stuff → 

☑ Identify your fundraising targets and implement your year-end fundraising strategy. Here is our guidance on year-end fundraising.

☑ Send a personal update to key partners highlighting the top achievements of the year.

☑ Wrap up 2021 financial reporting as needed.

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Wanjiku Kinuthia